
by Anonymous


Halloween is a holiday poem published in The Holidays' Carnival (1904) by Elizabeth F. Guptil. Enjoy Halloween Stories for Children.
HalloweenHallowe'en vintage postcard, NY Public Library

  On the last night of October, Comes the mystic Halloween. The night when ghosts and witches, By mortals can be seen. Then merry maidens fortunes tell, And tricks on others pay; Aud children bob for apples On Halloween so gay. Halloween vintage postcard, bobbing for apples SING (to the tune "Sweet By and By") Jack-o-lanterns are glimmering round, All sorts of strange sights may be seen. There are goblins and witches abroad, For this is the mystic Halloween. Holloween, Halloween, Is the night when the future may be seen, Halloween, Halloween, Is the night when the future may be seen.

Featured in our collection, Halloween Stories for Children

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