
by Thomas Bailey Aldrich


Echo-Song was retrieved from the anthology, The Humour of America (1909).
I. WHO can say where Echo dwells? In some mountain-cave methinks, Where the white owl sits and blinks; Or in deep sequestered dells, Where the foxglove hangs its bells, Echo dwells. Echo! Echo! II. Phantom of the crystal air, Daughter of sweet mystery! Here is one has need of thee; Lead him to thy secret lair, Myrtle brings he for thy hair— Hear his prayer— Echo! Echo! III. Echo, lift thy drowsy head, And repeat each charmëd word Thou must needs have overheard Yestere’en ere, rosy-red, Daphne down the valley fled— Words unsaid, Echo! Echo! IV. Breathe the vows she since denies! She hath broken every vow; What she would she would not now— Thou didst hear her perjuries. Whisper, whilst I shut my eyes, Those sweet lies, Echo! Echo!

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